Friday, March 6, 2009


The following lyrics are from the U2 song "Yahweh." As I sit here in a class where we are dealing with the issue of "spiritual formations" and how we are growing in Christ, this song came to mind. In this class we are looking at developing ways for us to grow so that we may be healthy Christian leaders. At Multnomah Seminary there is the statement (As their goal for us): "Demonstration of commendable spiritual life and Christian Character in accordance with the seminary's code of conduct." Going through their "code of conduct" we see that everything is based off of guidelines for living found in the Bible. The interesting thing is that ultimately it is not about me and my power accomplish them per say, but in the transformative power of God in our lives. That's where the lyrics in this song come in…to be able to have healthy spiritual formation and development, it involves me turning over…surrendering my life over to God.

I think that for those that have a relationship with the God of the Bible, Yahweh, that this would be a good song to contemplate the focus of your life. Are you asking God to "take" whatever it is in your life and transform it? I struggle with this as much as anyone, but I think it's something good for me to focus on, and hope that you all find it encouraging too.


"Take these shoes…Click clacking down some dead end street
Take these shoes…And make them fit
Take this shirt…Polyester white trash made in nowhere
Take this shirt…And make it clean, clean
Take this soul…Stranded in some skin and bones
Take this soul…And make it sing

Yahweh, Yahweh
Always pain before a child is born
Yahweh, Yahweh
Still I'm waiting for the dawn

Take these hands…Teach them what to carry
Take these hands…Don't make a fist
Take this mouth…So quick to criticise
Take this mouth…Give it a kiss

Yahweh, Yahweh
Always pain before a child is born
Yahweh, Yahweh
Still I'm waiting for the dawn

Still waiting for the dawn, the sun is coming up
The sun is coming up on the ocean
This love is like a drop in the ocean
This love is like a drop in the ocean

Yahweh, Yahweh
Always pain before a child is born
Yahweh, tell me now
Why the dark before the dawn?

Take this city…A city should be shining on a hill
Take this city…If it be your will
What no man can own, no man can take
Take this heart
Take this heart
Take this heart…And make it break"

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Keeping one's focus...on Christ

So tonight I had a great conversation with a couple of friends and it was passionate, motivating & convicting all in one. We were talking about things such as faith and politics, as well as other areas of life, and how we are focused.

The point was made and I agree wholeheartedly, that too many Christians on the right primarily, though some on the left as well...end up elevating politics to a point that is higher then even Christ. I have probably been guilty of this at times too, and it's because I let my passions in that area distract me from what should be my primary passion and focus: growing in my relationship with Christ and sharing the gospel message with the world around me.

As a Christian I need to make sure that at the end of the day I can look at my words and deeds and be able to know they pointed to Christ and gave glory to Him alone. I need to interpret or view, everything I do, through the Word of God and illumination of the Spirit. EVERYTHING! From the time I wake up until the time I go to sleep...everything! A few years ago the popular thing was "WWJD" (What Would Jesus Do) and its basic thought was to keep in mind how Jesus would act if He were there in any given situation. While good in its intentions, I think it was lacking in substance of the reality of being a Christian. In Colossians we read
"For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority." The fullness of who God is, is in Christ AND we have been given fullness in Christ. The Bible also teaches us that we are indwelt with the Holy Spirit. We should not be asking "What would Jesus do?" as if He were some faroff notion, but instead..."Jesus, help me make my decision in You. What should we do in this situation so that it shines the reality of Your presence in my life right now?"
I say this in light of where I started this blog because it is in my passions in every area of life that the biggest passion needs to be shining the truth and reality of Christ in my life. God gives us all passion and abilities in life to use. He gives every person uniqueness of personality and talents that are but a mere aspect or part of His creative work. Some are talented artists., while others are statesmen. Some can connect with and understand wildlife/nature. while yet others can design buildings and cities. Some may be gifted to develop programs that organize people locally or globally and yet others may be gifted in entertaining and helping people escape for a short while.
Without God however, a person is unable to realize their full potential and purpose of their abilities and all to often end up using their abilities for evil and destructive purposes. Once a person becomes a Christian, God then adds to these abilities, spiritual gifts.
Without going into all the dynamics and details of spiritual gifts in contrast to abilities, etc...the point is to be made that they all are given by God and ultimately need to be seen and used through our focus lens of Christ, their creator...our creator. The passion that realizing and having these abilities can bring, needs to be focused like a lazer beam through Christ, so that all of who we are in HIM shines through to the world around us. And yes...a primary purpose and focus of a Christian is spreading the good news/the Gospel, which is Christ crucified and rose again! All of the gifts/abilities He has given us should be used to love people and share the good news, that they can have the reality of Christ in their life beginning now through eternity. Part of spreading the good news is helping the person/s realize their need for it. They, just like every person on this planet before them, with the exception of Christ, was a sinner and needs to be saved. They have a fatal disease and Christ is the cure. We can not...we must not, give up sharing the gospel and keeping Christ at the forefront of all we are about. We are all individuals and how we build relationships and with whom will be different for all of us, but one thing in common is that it is only through Christ that anyone comes into the reality of new life in Him. This reality is both in the here and now as well as the future.
All this to say...whatever you are gifted in and passionate about, make sure that you submit that passion into the fullness of your life in Christ. Make sure that your passion is surrendered to the giver of passion. I believe that in fact, when we do that...when we surrender those passions and abilities, we will find them become even more passionate and able, because we can never outpassion Christ or have abilities greater then His. But He that began a good work in you WILL carry on to completion in Christ Jesus. Stay involved where you are for only you can reach all the people in your life in the ways that GOD has gifted you, but make sure that your focus never leaves Christ. Ultimately it needs to be Him using our abilities and passions since He is the one who created them.

ok...I've rambled enough now and probably confused anyone who may attempt reading this. If I did...I apologize and let me know, cause I would love to hopefully make it clearer. Also...feel free to simply make a comment:-)!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Amazing Story Behind Tho Global Warming Scam

The reason I am posting a link to this website about the scam that is called "Global Warming" is that it does directly impact how people are treated, including such issues as poverty and "social justice." The regulations that have been happening from people who believe in this faulty scientific theory are having a devastating impact around the world. we saw fuel prices soar these last few years because people refuse to allow us to drill for more fuel for various reasons. Soaring fuel prices impact the cost of food among goods and services. Soaring prices end up meaning that companies need to cut costs and/or raise prices. The do things like lay people off and charge more. This doesn't effect the rich so much as it does the poor. Some humanitarian groups are even asking that we stop focusing so much on converting our corn crop to ethanol because it is hurting their ability to bring food to those in need around the world.

For a good summary article on some of the issues with the ethanol debate go here

I would argue that while we need to take care of what God has given us, that does not mean that just because some people says one thing is bad (oil for example), that it is. Ultimately our biggest concern and priority needs to be people and what is most beneficial for them to have their needs met. Many of these environmental policies hurt that.